Helical Pier Installation in Dallas

Sooner or later your Dallas home will need foundation repair; it’s a given. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that expansive soils cost property owners more than the damage costs of tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes combined. The good news is that there’s a way to protect your property from foundation damage here in Dallas: helical pier installation.

Symptoms of Foundation Problems

In Dallas, expansive soils expand and contract from changes in water content during wet seasons and dry seasons. That process creates movement, which shifts the soil and jeopardizes the ability of your foundation to support the weight of your home. This is why Vesta Foundation Solutions recommend foundation inspections to help homeowners in Dallas identify the symptoms of foundation problems. 

Some signs your foundation needs attention include:

  • Cracks in the foundation
  • Stair-step cracks in your masonry
  • Cracks in the interior walls
  • Doors and windows that stick

The longer these problems go unresolved, the more expensive the cost to repair them down the line.

The Helical Pier Solution

The technicians at Vesta Foundation Solutions are your go-to experts when it comes to providing helical pier system installations in Dallas, that will permanently restore the structural integrity of your home. We begin the restoration process by excavating the soil from around your foundation to provide enough space to gain sufficient footing and room for drilling in the piers. The helical piers are like huge screws secured to your foundation, which we rotate deep into the soil beneath your home until they take hold on stable, load-bearing soil or bedrock. Once we’ve established that secure foothold, we transfer the weight of your home onto the piers, then lift your foundation back to its original position for permanent foundation support.

The benefits of the helical pier system include:

  • We can install them year-round.
  • They do not bend or warp.
  • They resist corrosion.
  • They allow us to restore your foundation to its original position.
  • They are warrantied and provide a permanent solution.

Vesta Is Your Premier Choice for Foundation Repair

When you notice signs that your Dallas home needs foundation repair, call Vesta Foundation Solutions before the situation becomes cost prohibitive. Here in Dallas, our helical pier installation will solve your foundation issues and will give you peace of mind for as long as you own your home. Call today and schedule your free inspection and cost quote!