Before & After Photos

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Pool Deck Repair in Edmond, Ok

The fall season is upon us and many homeowners are going to be getting ready to finish enjoying their summer and getting the pool ready for winterizing.  The Vesta Foundation Solutions team can help get the pool deck repaired before you stretch the cover over the coping.  This homeowner has a 1 inch drop in their concrete that the PolyLevel solution was able to repair. 

Concrete Lift and Level in Edmond, OK

Edmond, OK Pool Deck Repair

The Vesta Team lifted an entire pool deck in Edmond. Sections were settling up to 4 inches! We fixed all the tripping hazards.

Pool Deck Repaired in Edmond, OK

The Vesta team repaired this sinking concrete pool deck by using a concrete leveling technique that combines slab jacking and POLYLevel foam system. The repair took about 2 days from start to finish and all the caulking joints were repaired to address the previously installed caulking. 

Edmond Children's Safety Village Lift, Level, and Seal

Our team was able to lift, level, and seal several areas at the Edmond Children's Safety Village. The areas had been sinking and cracking due to water runoff. Our Poly-level injection is a noninvasive and cost-effective solution to lift the areas back to their original position. After the areas were lifted and level, the cracks were sealed with our Nexus pro sealant to avoid any more water and debris getting in the area. Nexus Pro is specifically engineered to withstand weather and have long-lasting flexibility.